Estate and Trust Administration

San Diego Estate Administration Lawyer

We handle all aspects of trust administration and advise trustees regarding tax compliance and reporting issues. We are experienced in creating both revocable living trusts and irrevocable trusts. Once a trust is created, the creator of the trust typically controls and administers the trust during his lifetime. Upon the creator’s death, a successor trustee often is called upon to administer the trust. We provide guidance to successor trustees in administering trusts and complying with trust administration requirements.

Once the settlor of a revocable trust dies, the trust usually will become irrevocable and a separate entity for tax purposes. We can assist the trustee in fulfilling his duties and also efficiently carrying out the wishes of the settlor and in minimizing conflict between the beneficiaries. In the unfortunate event of a dispute, David C. Hawkes, Esq. is experienced in trust litigation and will properly advise the trustee and attempt to resolve the dispute as efficiently as possible.

Trust Administration Services

We work with both initial and successor trustees, Certified Public Accountants, and beneficiaries. We work with clients throughout the state of California and even outside California if appropriate. In addition to the creation and funding of revocable living trusts, family trusts, and irrevocable trusts, David C. Hawkes, Esq. provides a full range of trust administration services:

  • Creation and funding of revocable trusts and irrevocable trusts
  • Identifying and valuation of assets
  • Transfer of assets
  • Preparation and filing of tax returns and other required documents
  • Advising trustees

For a free and confidential consultation to determine if David C. Hawkes, Esq. can assist you with the trust administration process, please call (858) 775-7515 or submit an online inquiry today.

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Call Us 858-775-7515