Estate Planning

San Diego, California Estate Planning Attorney

Estate planning is an important step towards ensuring the financial health and well-being of your family in your absence. Proper estate planning can help you minimize taxes and expenses to preserve more of your estate to distribute to your desired beneficiaries. Establishing a revocable trust or irrevocable trust can help avoid the significant time, expense, and hassle associated with probate. A trust will also ensure that your finances and property are handled and distributed according to your stated wishes. The simple fact is that without proper estate planning, you will allow the State of California to determine what happens to your estate upon your death.

Living Wills and Advanced Health Care Directives

Additional peace of mind is provided in knowing that proper estate planning can provide answers to questions that arise upon your death or incapacitation. Simple things like establishing a living will or an advanced health care directive will ensure your wishes are carried out and reduce trauma to family and friends when tough decisions need to be made if you become incapacitated. You can even document how you would like your funeral arrangements handled and how they should be paid for. By having all of these questions already answered, those closest to you will have the comfort of knowing that your wishes are being carried out.

Knowing what estate plan tools are appropriate for you is a very complex determination. David C. Hawkes, Esq. can help you navigate this complex process and determine what kind of estate plan makes sense for you. David C. Hawkes, Esq. provides many estate planning services and options on an affordable flat-fee basis to satisfy your estate planning needs.

Estate Planning Attorney Services:

If you are considering putting an estate plan in place for yourself or your family, or implementing a will, trust, or living trust, contact David C. Hawkes, Esq. to show you how to implement an estate plan that is appropriate for your situation and that will accomplish your goals. Contact David C. Hawkes, Esq. for a free consultation.

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